Lifebushido Glossary

Lifebushido Glossary

A collection of terms and definitions used within Lifebushido, presented with up to 10% humor.


Askshido (ask-SHEE-doh) noun
A Lifebushido practice where members pose a thought-provoking question to a group of 100 interesting, happy, and successful people. The answers are collected, reviewed, and used to foster connections and personal growth.
Example: "My Askshido question about the meaning of life resulted in 100 unique perspectives and at least three existential crises."

BabyBushido (BAY-bee boo-SHEE-doh) noun
A monthly goal-setting practice within Lifebushido that encourages members to focus on achievable, bite-sized objectives that align with their overall Bushido.
Example: "My BabyBushido this month is to learn how to juggle three avocados while reciting haiku. Small steps lead to big accomplishments!"
Video Playlist

BushidoCircle (boo-SHEE-doh SUR-kuhl) noun aka Circle
A commitment to daily participation in a group setting within Lifebushido that combines the act of checking in via video, sharing experiences, and supporting each other's practices for 10 minutes daily. The BushidoCircle cultivates a reliable rhythm and a close-knit community, enhancing the routine and sense of commitment akin to the beat of a metronome.
Example: "Ever since I became part of the BushidoCircle, the daily video check-ins have turned our group into a tight-knit community with a rhythm that even a metronome would envy."

BushidoData (boo-SHEE-doh DAY-tuh) noun
See: BushidoLife

BushidoDay (boo-SHEE-doh DAY) noun
The 27th of every month, a time when we reflect, reset, and energize our Bushido.
Example: "On BushidoDay, I take a step back to review my progress and recommit to living life boldly through self-discipline and by supporting others."

BushidoExcuses (boo-SHEE-doh ek-SKYOO-ziz) noun
A systematic approach inspired by Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, designed to help Lifebushido members conquer the excuses that hinder their progress towards achieving their Bushido goals.
Example: "Thanks to the BushidoExcuses spreadsheet, I've realized that 'I can't do it because my cat looks at me judgmentally' is not a valid reason to procrastinate on my goals."

BushidoFamily (boo-SHEE-doh FAM-uh-lee) noun
A Lifebushido initiative aimed at creating a sense of community and belonging by fostering new connections.
Example: "At our last BushidoFamily gathering, we were so supportive of each other's dreams, someone actually started levitating from all the positive vibes."
Don't let friends, family, coworkers kill your Bushido. Spend more time and share your Bushido
BushidoFamily (English)
BushidoFamily (Spanish)

BushidoGlossary (boo-SHEE-doh GLOS-uh-ree) noun; aka Lifebushido Glossary
A collection of terms and definitions with an up to 10% humorous twist, used within the Lifebushido community to foster clear communication and a bit of laughter.
Example: "I spent so much time with the BushidoGlossary that I started dreaming in Bushido-isms; my subconscious deserves a black belt in Lifebushido lingo!"

BushidoHelp (boo-SHEE-doh HELP) noun
A practice within Lifebushido where members share the kind of help they are seeking and the type of assistance they are willing to offer others, fostering a supportive and collaborative community.
Example: "Through BushidoHelp, I not only found someone to proofread my novel but also discovered that my talent for yodeling could help a fellow member's goat-herding endeavors."
BushidoHelp - Getting Started
Video Playlist

BushidoHour (boo-shee-doh hour) noun
A focused structured and planned One Hour Daily (OHD) in which to work on your Bushido, this may be a part of your BabyBushido monthly goal.

BushidoLife (boo-SHEE-doh lyfe) noun
A comprehensive life management system that emphasizes thoughtful organization and optimization of time, money, health, and other essential aspects of balanced living. BushidoLife includes any Lifebushido documents you create.
Example: "My BushidoLife is so well planned, I've scheduled spontaneity from 3:15 to 3:45 PM next Wednesday."

Video Playlist

BushidoPage (boo-SHEE-doh payj) noun
A BushidoPage is a unique profile for members of Lifebushido that encapsulates three fundamental aspects of their personal and professional identity:
Who I Am: A brief introduction to the individual's identity and background.
What I Want: A statement of the individual's goals and aspirations.
How I Help: A description of how the individual contributes to the community.
This document serves as a living record that members update regularly to reflect their evolving journey within Lifebushido.
Example: "My BushidoPage is so comprehensive, it's like a dating profile for my professional life, minus the awkward first date."
Day 11 - 20 Steps
BushidoPage - Getting Started
Improving Your BushidoPage

BushidoPlan (boo-SHEE-doh plan) noun
A structured approach to setting and achieving personal and professional goals within the Lifebushido framework, which includes defining objectives, creating action plans, and tracking progress.
Example: "My BushidoPlan is so well-organized, it makes Type A personalities look like carefree bohemians."
BushidoPlan - Introduction

Document: Create Your BabyBushido & BushidoPlan - Getting Started
Video Playlist

BushidoRamble/Ramble (boo-SHEE-doh RAM-buhl) noun/verb
An innovative brainstorming space for members to discuss and develop ideas that enhance daily activities and the overall impact within Lifebushido.
Example: "During my last BushidoRamble, I came up with an idea for a waterproof book. Bath time has never been the same."

BushidoTriangle (boo-SHEE-doh TRY-ang-guhl) noun: Triangle, Lifebushido Triangle
An advanced Lifebushido group that spends one hour daily on their Bushido.
Example: "I tattooed the BushidoTriangle on my arm to keep me centered, but now people keep asking me if I'm part of some secret geometric society."
Video Playlist

BushidoWalk (boo-SHEE-doh wawk) noun
A one-hour nature walk via phone with another Lifebushido member, designed to share and support each other's life goals and missions in a natural setting. After which
BushidoFamily feedback is given to Lifebushido.
Example: "My last BushidoWalk was so inspiring, I gave motivational speeches to the squirrels and now they're starting their own tiny enterprises."


CollegeBushido (KOL-ij boo-SHEE-doh) noun
A Lifebushido program designed specifically for college students, focusing on personal growth, academic success, and building a strong community. CollegeBushido encourages students to embrace the principles of Bushido while navigating the unique challenges of college life.
Example: "Joining CollegeBushido has transformed my university experience. I've found a supportive community that helps me stay focused on my goals and maintain a healthy balance between studying and self-care."
Video Playlist


DailyBushido (DAY-lee boo-SHEE-doh) noun
The practice of applying Lifebushido principles and techniques on a daily basis to cultivate discipline, focus, and continuous improvement in all aspects of life.
Example: "My DailyBushido routine involves meditating, setting intentions, and reciting my personal Bushido code while doing one-handed push-ups."
Day 1 - Beginning Lifebushido. Instructions and Encouragement. Every day means every day. 💥

HealthBushido (HELTH boo-SHEE-doh) noun
A holistic approach to physical, mental, and emotional well-being based on Lifebushido principles, emphasizing self-care, mindfulness, and balance.
Example: "My HealthBushido practice includes daily green smoothies, meditation, and apologizing to my houseplants for neglecting them during my busy weeks."


OHD (One Hour Daily) (oh-eych-dee) noun
OHD, or One Hour Daily, is a core practice within Lifebushido that encourages members to dedicate a focused, uninterrupted hour each day to work on their Bushido projects and personal growth. This committed time helps individuals make consistent progress towards their goals and reinforces the importance of self-discipline and prioritization.
Example: "Since implementing OHD into my daily routine, I've made significant strides in my Bushido journey. That one focused hour has become the cornerstone of my personal development, and I guard it fiercely."


Rocks (rahks) noun
Within the context of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), Rocks are the most important priorities that a business sets for the next 90 days. They are specific, measurable objectives that, when achieved, will have a significant impact on the company's progress towards its long-term goals.
Example: "Our Rocks for this quarter include launching the new product line, hiring a marketing manager, and increasing our social media engagement by 25%. It's like playing a high-stakes game of 'capture the flag,' but with business objectives."

Stop Scrolling (stop SKROH-ling) noun
An initiative program that encourages people to take breaks from social media and mindless scrolling. By detoxing from the constant distractions of online platforms, students can reclaim their time and focus on more meaningful activities that contribute to their personal growth.
Example: "Thanks to the Stop Scrolling challenge, I've rediscovered my love for reading and have more quality time to spend with friends in person. Who knew putting down my phone could be so liberating?"
Video Playlist

Team B - Team Bushido, LifeBushido Core Team (teem bee - boo-SHEE-doh kohr teem) noun
The core team within Lifebushido, embodying the principles of the Bushido and operating as a Triangle with a shared commitment to excellence.
Example: "Team B is so in sync, they could choreograph a dance routine while solving quadratic equations."

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